30 Bands in 30 Days - Day 7

Favorite Member: -
Favorite Album: D-D-Don't Don't Stop The Beat (2002)
Favorite Songs:

The first song you would play to someone who has never heard JS: Я первую услышала Move your feet, так что кому-то бы тоже её бы включила:3 Или Can I Get Get Get.
A brief or detailed description of how you became a fan: Друзьяшки подсадили. Ну, или я сама напросилась Плеер был чист и их нетбук оказался под рукой..
Your favorite music video:
читать дальше
Favourite Live Video: -
Why they are pleasant: Блин, ну дурацкий вопрос, ей-богу. Бикоз зей а плезант.
Favorite Lyrics:
Oh baby girl in those baby pants
Come on over here and take a second chance
Take a second chance on me
Cause I know you wanna dance with me
What you say?
I don't do that kind of thing!
Say what?
I don't do that kind of thing!
Why not?
I don't do that kind of thing!
And you say
I don't do that kind of thing!
When Did You Become a Fan: 16/08/2010